Diversionary Activities Team
What are Diversionary activities.
We offer a wide range of activities to help support your health and wellbeing. By taking part you can fill your spare time with something productive and rewarding.
A Diversionary Activity is intended to attract people’s attention away from negative distractions and fill up their time with something productive and beneficial for general wellbeing.
We run a variety of Diversionary Activities across our Hostels on a weekly basis. You can find our weekly timetables printed at Hostel receptions as well as around the Hostels Diversionary Activity rooms.
Please ask Diversionary Activities staff and staff at your Hostel for more information if you would like to get involved.
Our aims as a team are:
- To engage with our clients, helping to build self-esteem and confidence through participation in group activities, education and training, sports, creative pursuits and recreation in a supervised and vibrant environment.
- To promote personal development and offer the right opportunity and support to assist and empower people into independence, education, communities, training, employment both on and off sites.
- To break down barriers between services and service users by having informal and welcoming environment.
Diversionary activities include:
- Education/Training
- Gaining Qualifications
- Nature walks
- Yoga
- Quizzes
- Table tennis
- Gym sessions
- Football training sessions
- Arts & crafts
- Meditation
- Cooking
- Film making
- Kickboxing
- Music
- Gardening
- Substance misuse – Harm reduction
Meet the team
Jak Sivak – Diversionary Activities Officer
Sion Berry – Diversionary Activities Officer

Multi-disciplinary Team
Working with a range of partners, the Multi-disciplinary Team has been set up to target people caught in the cycle of homelessness and prolonged periods of rough sleeping.
Based at the Single Assessment Centre the team provide immediate access to assessment, advice, support and harm reduction interventions.

Targeted Outreach Team
The Targeted Outreach Team are on the streets of Cardiff every day engaging with people who are rough sleeping, at risk of homelessness and enduring complex needs. We work throughout the city providing direct support to assist people to access appropriate services.
The Targeted Outreach Team, work in partnership with:
- The Wallich Rough Sleepers Intervention Team
- The Salvation Army
- The Huggard Day Centre
- South Wales Police
- Health and Social Services
The Targeted Team hold weekly meetings with partners to make sure that we can identify and engage with rough sleepers and people at risk of homelessness at the earliest opportunity.